Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pussy pics and a rotten Apple

    You know how they say Apple, unlike the PC, does not break down? Well, guess what? It fookin' DOES, dammit! My Mac crashed yesterday and it's only two years old. It's sitting somewhere in the service room of the repair-shop right now but they tell me it's fixed and ready for collection, so I'll pick it up tomorrow and hopefully I can start blogging properly again as I'm using a really tiny, really slow Netbook currently...

On the gundam front, I've primed all the Exia armour, but there ain't much to show, unless you wanna see grey bits sitting on sticks. I'll post a second update once I'm done with the colouring. Meanwhile, lets just wait for the Mac to come home, and while we're at it, here're are some pics of my cat (actually she's my girlfriend's) who keeps me company late nights when I'm up fiddling with plastic.

Sometimes I duno who's prettier - the cat or my girlfriend. LOL. Her name's Spottie. The cat, not my girlfriend. She's called Spottie cos she has no spots. Go figure..

This is how she rolls. Literally. Spots likes to follow me into the room while I'm working on kits, and roll around on the floor but I usually chase her out cos you never know what kinda toxic shit ends up on the floor, what with all that sanding, painting and stuff. In this case, I'm not letting curiosity kill the cat!

"Thou shalt not exercise till thee is fed."

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