Monday, April 23, 2012

GUNDAM AMPHION [Launcher Strike.]

    I've finally got this in the bag! My entry for the Hobby Art Gallery Age-1 Group Build is completed woot :P. I'm satisfied with how the colours turned out. This build has certainly given me some insights into how to play around with pastel colours. So without further ado folks, less talk more pics. Here we go....

I stuck to the original colours for the Launcher Strike pack, but muted them all into pastel tones, and threw in a designer decal here and there from random sets. 

I went with brown panel-lines for the Launcher set, which I thought suited the pastel hues better.

    Hope you enjoyed this build! I have to say, for a kit that wasn't designed to hold something as heavy as the Launcher Strike pack, you can see for yourself how sturdy it is. The MG Age-1 is really a kit worth getting. For WIPs, hit here. For solo colour-scheme pics of the Age scoot over here.

Stay tuned for a combined finale with Toymaker's Age Sword Strike!



Miester00 said...

How to mix paint to get pastel colours?

Waylander said...

Just add white bro. To dilute the tone of the colour. But you have to do it bit by bit to get the desired tone you want. Hope this helps!