Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Malaysia GBWC 2013

Here we go people! I'm always excited about Malaysia's GBWC because they are so close to us, and last year I took a road-trip up with Toymaker to go visit our neighbours in KL. (We are going again this weekend!) So Msia's GBWC has started, and they've got some interesting entries. As always, realism is their specialty, but some standouts this year, including Shermen's piece (above) is a real interesting take on Mobile Armour reminiscent of Eday's champion entry last year. It's a Delta-turned-Deep Striker that straight away captures the impagination. Featured here are other notable standouts (IMHO). For more pics, check out Pla-Zone's FB page. So without further ado, as we always say, less words, more pics. Let's roll:

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