One of my steals from a recent HK trip was this Trailerforce Optimus Prime by third-party Transformers maker Xovergen, who really hit gold with this one. If you're a TF fan, you'll know that the Powermaster Prime is the PG of ALL Primes. It's an Optimus in an Optimus - a giant armoured fortress version of Optimus Prime. In Gunpla-speak, it's basically Optimus Mobile-Armour Ver. LOL. So what's so special about this toy? Firstly it's HUGE. About PG sized. Secondly, it is highly engineered and poseable. A real treat for TF toy collectors cos original TFs are well...made for kids and not considered really posable, as long as they can transform. You'll still need the oiriginal Hasbro or Takara Tomy Classic/ Henkei Prime though, which forms the chest unit of the giant. Everything else including the head and limbs are all third-party.
Now, how bout a comparison between Xovergen's Prime Vs the original Hasbro offering from decades ago (yeah they never thought to do anything else with the character, which is why a third-party had to come in). BOOM. No fight.

My modeller eye tells me the toy still needs more details to impress, which if I feel like it, I might mod and soup it up Gunpla-style one day. Though not in the near foreseeable future! Otherwise, for an action figure toy not from a mainstream company, the quality of plastic is top notch. Tough, rigid stuff.
Eyes made from reflective metallic coating. Bandai, are you taking notes? LOL
Didn't have the time to set up a pro-looking photo-shoot, so I'll just borrow stock pics from Xovergen themselves. Watch Prime move! The truck unit in front as you see here is the original Hasbro Prime which in robo mode, forms the chest unit of the monster.
The exciting bit is Xovergen has hinted at an add-on set of armoured wings to this set, due to be released. Way to make MORE money huh? LOL.
Size comparison. That's a 1/48 Age1 right there...
Ah an old friend! Watchu lookin' at?
That's too cool.. I am a TF powermaster fan too. The up-coming model of God Armor is exciting too! Able to get these in SG?
Yeah bro it's available at some shops in China Square Central i think....But not much. Cos it's a third-party item, not alotta retailers carry it, and most have been snapped up by pre-orders. Also, it's so damn popular it's soldout wherever it's available! The price though is steep - S$200+. But at this size and likeness, worth it in my opinion. Gd luck!
This is a good catch. As big as MEGA size Gundam. Impressive
Does the inner optimus transform, too? I see that the cab has his head, at least.
The inner-Optimus is an original Hasbro toy that does not come with this set, so yes it transforms.
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