
Tuesday, March 27, 2012


    This has been a long time coming. But finally, Poison Monkeys have our own blog! Woot. For the uninitiated, Poison Monkeys is a group of modellers, myself included, who sell our works and take commissions for Gundams, TFs, any kind of kit or toy that you want painted up and modded. Check out more details HERE. Of course, it's good for some mecha porn too, since it features the combined galleries of myself, Toymaker and Leon Ku. Hope you guys like it! 

GUNDAM AGE Ep 24 Review

    Back to the reviews again, folks. I've got something in the workshop that should be photo-ready in about a week's time, but meanwhile, it's back to the Age series. I've waited till ep24 to post something 'cos I wanted to see where the momentum and direction was heading, and I must say, I wasn't disappointed.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

BRUTICUS / CROSS-FIRE by Fansproject

     It's obvious by now that I have a thing for TFs with Gundam proportions. After assembling Hercules (Devastator), my hands got itchy and I went on to assembling Bruticus, which has been in my stash for a while now. To the uninitiated, and unlike Hercules - which is an entirely third-party produced product - the Cross-fire Bruticus combines the original BM toys from Hasbro with extra third-party products from HK-based company FansProject that make for a bad-ass lookin' gestalt, just as it should be!

HERCULES by TFC TOYS (Toy review)

    Let's get all remnant vestiges of TFs outta my system so we can get back to Gunpla. I've had this baby for quite some time now, but never had the time to assemble it and take some pics for a post. Well finally, here it is!  Hercules by TFC Toys. No prizes for guessing which *ahem* devastating TF this monster is based on.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


    There goes my wallet again...LOL. There have been many third-party renditions of Transformers, but it seems up till now no one has really tackled Optimus Prime (besides Make Toys's Battle Tanker Prime). What I would give to see a Gundam-proportioned Prime executed sublimely, instead of the boxy-looking originals. In fact I was so desperate I even tried it myself. But here finally, is something I would put serious money on - Xovergen's (I think it's a third-party Jap brand) TF-01 Trailerforce.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

CYBERTRON CON 2012 - Post feature

    Well whaddaya know? There's Internet connection at 2,000m above sea level! So let's bang out a couple of quick posts to get some life on this page going! What else but a post-feature of the Cybertron Con that just wrapped in Singapore rite?

Friday, March 9, 2012


    Not sure if there's Internet access where I'll be at, so if I don't see ya guys, then it's radio silence till next week! Stay creative and keep building those kits.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


    I don't have much to say about Gundam Age's ep 21 'cos it's one of those filler eps where a new crescendo of momentum builds, so I'll wait for a more epic ep to happen again before I blog about it. While we're at it (and while I get my lazy ass going on painting the Mega-size Age kit), and also cos I'll be away most of next week to Bhutan for an Internet-deprived holiday, here is some random trivia that you probably can't give a flyin' shit about, and you'll never ever need to save your life with, but who care's right? I'm shoving it down your throat anyways LOL.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


    Ah damn....Just when I thought I could save up some money to make improvements on my display shelf. They release the MG Titus. There's something about this kit that's oddly appealing. On first impression, it isn't even pretty, the colours don't match, and it has a kiddy feel to it. But I gotta admit it kinda grows on you. And I see a lotta potential for heavy mods and alternate colour schemes. Yum. Credit to Gundam Guy for the pics. This is one kit I'm definitely gonna get my hands on.

GUNDAM AGE ep 20 review

    Lemme just put it this way - Up until now in the Age series, there has not been a single episode that made me want to watch it AGAIN. But this one baby, THIS one, takes the cake. Ep 20 is THE episode where I honestly think I wouldn't mind watching all over again and still get a kick out of. Here's why: