
Saturday, October 15, 2011

HG 1/144 ZEDAS commentary

    Check it out, fellas - New images of the enemy in Gundam Age - the Zedas MS (are they even mobile suits??) have been released on Gundam Guy. Here are my thoughts on the design - NOT BAD. Not bad at all, actually! I was all ready to condemn the Age designs, but I gotta admit, some of them are starting to grow on me.

    The Zedas reminds me of the GNX actually. And what I really dig are those huge-ass claws, and the spiked aerodynamic form. I don't really take to the pointed chest piece, but hey overall, I'd say it's better than I expected. I can see a lot of parts being used to kitbash other Gundams, and if they come out with a 1/100 scale version, there's lots of potential to mod this fella into a really badass monster!

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